How often does my pool filter need to be cleaned?
Most manufacturers recommend a complete tear down and cleaning of the pool filter at least two times per year. The exact number of recommended cleanings depends on the size of your pool, and the size and type of your pool filter.
How can I tell if my pool is leaking?
Perform this simple test using an ordinary 5 gallon plastic bucket to determine if your pool is leaking and losing more water than it should due to its normal evaporation.
- Bring pool water to normal level
- Fill bucket with pool water to about 1 inch from the top
- Place bucket on 1st or 2nd step of the pool
- Mark water level on inside of bucket
- Shut off pump and mark pool water level on outside of bucket
- Resume normal pump operation
- After 24 hours, compare the two water levels. If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than the inside water level, there is probably a leak.
(Test is invalid after 24 hours)
Is it safe for me to drain my pool?
You should never drain your pool. Always use a licensed, experienced professional. Concrete and fiberglass pools can float out of the ground like a huge boat. The liners in vinyl pools can shrink in a matter of a few hours.
How long should I run my pool pump each day?
Most residential pool filtration systems are sized to circulate and filter the water twice in an 8-hour period. It is recommended that you run your pool pump for 6-8 hours in the winter and 10-12 hours in the summer.
What should the temperature of my swimming pool be?
This decision is ultimately up to the individual owner. The typical range is 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that the energy consumption for each degree rise in warmth will cost from 10 to 30% more in energy costs.
Why do people use pool covers?
Pools lose energy in a variety of ways, but evaporation is the largest source of energy loss for swimming pools. To minimize evaporation, one must cover the pool. Pool covers also provide water conservation, cleanliness, and safety benefits.